Sonia Dubois


The Neighbourhood Public Square

CIVIC SQUARE is demonstrating neighbourhood-scale civic infrastructure for social and ecological transition.

Location: Ladywood, Birmingham UK.

“The Neighbourhood Public Square” is about co-building and democratising access to the spaces, tools, resources and infrastructure that neighbourhoods need to co-lead the social, ecological, economic and climate transition of the 21st century.

I created varied illustrations capturing different aspects of the project, the essence and atmosphere of what matters in each space

The Neighbourhood Public Square will feature a range of deep code innovations, from finance, governance and outcomes design. It will be informed by the latest climate science, take a bio-material and bioregional approach amongst much more.

 A transformation of a 20th century industrial site into 21st century regenerative infrastructure will be a demonstrator for many layers of the deep redesign required, including finance, refurbishment, ecological building design and avoidance of demolition and retrofit, with the ownership and stewardship designed to be held in the common for the neighbourhood, with a covenant that brings social and ecological benefit into the legal steward, in perpetuity. 

community room people eating bringing foos to the community building wooden construction people painting talking

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